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Welcome to
Holy Child School , Kalna

Playgroup is the space where little children get to know the world other than their home, and meet other persons other than their parents and relatives. The first ever experience and fun filled practice for tender kids. Playing 80% Academics 20%.
Nursery is a group of equal aged adaptable and sociable children who get into group playing and learning from various sources. Playing 60% Academics 40% Jr.K.G – the first ever introduction to regular schooling and academic classes along with play activities. Playing 40% Academics 60% Sr.K.G - A full fledged practice to prepare children for regular schooling for primary education . Playing 20% Academics 80%

Principal's Message

St. Bartolomea Capitanio, a visionary educator and a soul spent her life for loving God and neighbours founded the Society of the Sisters

Secretary Message

It is a grace and a privilege to pen these few lines for Holy Child senior secondary school Kalna. I consider myself fortunate as well as

Sisters of Charity

Holy Child School belongs to the congregation of the Sisters of Charity. The Institute of the Sisters of Charity of Saints Bartolomea Capitanio

Our Mission & Vision

In the light of the Gospel and the charism of St. Bartolomea, we commit ourselves to ‘Education for Transformation' by forming individuals

School Notice Board

Co Scholastic Events

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